I have a bad trait. Its procrastination. When I was in standard six, i used to go for tuition and leading to the door of the tuition centre, in bold capital letters, on a piece of paper plastered on the wall, it said "Procrastination is the thief of time". And i remember it till today. Because, it is my middle name. I love leaving things to be done at the last minute. From small, simple issues like, leaving it till the last minute to send my material to the tailor to sew clothes for Hari Raya. Or leaving it till the last minute to renew my license. To more serious things like putting off making a police report for my lost car, putting off my divorce case year after year (It's done now though).There are many, many things i do till the last minute. It's really bad and I blame it all on my father. Hehe....(Yeah, someone's gotta take the blame for it and it sure hell isn't gonna be me.) I think i got that trait from him. I see him procrastinating all the time. We procrastinators like to challenge things around us in a scarily easy-going manner. Its not that we want to challenge life but whatever the reason, it isn't something that should be condoned. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Things might come to those who wait, but only those things which are left behind by those who hustle". So true. I know I have to change my attitude. As I grow older, I have come to terms with my shortcomings, my imperfectness and everything else that use to make me think that I am not as good enough as the person next to me. But as I progress on, I have come to terms with the fact that there are some things in life I can't change and there are some things in life I can change. And for those that I seemingly can't, like maybe a prominent feature on my face which I was never happy about-well, to hell with that. I have accepted myself the way I am. This is how God created me and I am now fine with it. Maybe I wasn't appreciative enough before, but, hey, there are people out there who have facial deformities and here I am complaining about a crooked nose. Yeah. And I realize that when I came to terms with who I am, what I am, How I look like, I actually like myself better. I am more comfortable in my own skin. And I carry myself better than the days when I was seemingly chronic and moronic. And for those things that I can change, well, I look forward to making myself a better person. I am analyzing those things I don't like about myself. I'm proud that I can admit my faults, failures and disabilities. Not all people are able to do that. Not all people have the ability to analyze themselves as they go along in their daily lives, walking around with eyes wide shut at their own faults while micro scoping the faults of others. We are only humans. If we are perfect, then it means we are divine, which we are not. I have a long way to go before I can be really happy with my soul, but at least I am aware that I have faults and want to change. Its a lot more than I can say for some people around me. It may take many more years before I stop being a procrastinator, but I really hope I get there. I hope I won't be the case of 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'. God, I hope not. Because procrastination is indeed the thief of time and I am cheating myself of having a good life.
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