Remember the saying "If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it is yours, if it doesn't it was never meant to be?' Well, whoever invented that is a moron. Seriously. I mean, really. It should start with "If you love SOMEONE, put him on a leach , he's difficult enough to find without you trying to set him free!"
I'm all for going after the one i like. I mean, if you like the guy, go ahead and let him know right. What's so wrong with it? Gone are the days where a girl have to wait till the guy gives the go ahead sign. The green light to go further with the relationship. Why do we let ourselves be subjected to such consternation? Why do we let the guys call the shots?
If you like, or ok love, someone, let him know! Carpe diem! Seize the day! If he doesn't like you in return, well, So what?! Guys don't think much when they go after the girl they really like. Do you think they need to stop and think, 'oh my god, what if she doesn't like me?. Even if they do, its a tiny percentage, a fraction of the actual number of men plus they don't really care anyway if the girl they kinda fancy is not into them. Reason? Well, there are plenty of other fishes in the sea.
Similarly, we gals should adopt the same attitude when we see a guy we fancy. Chances are, the guy will be flattered. And even if you guys don't hit off, so what?! I mean, the excitement of actually taking charge of yourself and your destiny will really make it worth the while. We should take things a day at a time. Be more lenient with ourselves. Yeah, we can be so hard on ourselves.
We diet, we exercise, we eat vegetables or take yogurt and even drink just milk to bring our weight down because we think men will like us more if we look like a wafer or a cracker. We go shopping, buy new clothes that flatter our looks, buy new shoes to flatter our feet, buy new handbags to flatter our image. We paint our faces to soften our looks and make us sweeter...all because we hope that the guy we like will notice us and fall for us. Would a guy do the same for a girl? Umm..i don't think so mate!
I don't see a guy buying clothes, shoes or perfume to flatter a woman. Hell, they are probably drinking milk out of a box because there's nothing else in the refrigerator and they are thirsty or hungry (there is only one, ONE, signal transmission to the brains for hunger, thirst, sex, work, women, sex, boobs, hunger...the list goes on and on). And if you happen to see a guy buying all that for someone's attention, it is probably for a guy coz he's gay, so it doesn't matter and it still comes down to the same point. Men are self centered as they think the world revolves around them and if it doesn't the world is about to end. Example, when a man is sick, everything must come to a standstill because he is sick. Sick means almost like he's dying. Of the common flu. When a woman is sick, she still gets up, dress up and show up. She's so strong, despite a sniffle or two here and there.
So when a woman finds the man of her dreams, so to say, she should go for it. Grab him before anyone else does man! Exert yourself so that no one else gets him. Because if you don't, well...remember the story about a thousand fishes in the sea...yeah, so don't dilly dally. Keep him on a tight leach. But not tight enough for people to start wondering who wears the pants though...that could be damaging to your alter ego. But you catch the drift right?...Don't, by all means, let him go unless it isn't worth it.
This is the 22nd century. We should surge forward. Men and women are equal now right? RIGHT? Yeah right. There's still a long way more to go for that to happen but we women of today can start changing the common perception that allows men to be in charge of the dating scene and monopolize it. Go for it. Ask them out for a date. Dump them! Seriously they won't know what hit them! And so what if they are not into you? There are many other fishes in the sea. Yeah, still with the fish story. Only time differentiates the fact if you've got the fish now or later. Fish again. I got a fixation with it. Ok not me, but a close friend and i think it's rubbed on to me a little. Ok I'm digressing here a bit...but to get back to the point...
A guy told me the other day that women cheats as well. This is what i answered him. Women are naturally intelligent and are fast learners. That's why we mature faster than boys anyway. Men cheat first and now women are slowly getting the hang of it and are learning very fast from their male counterparts. The dark ages have gone and the new age of enlightenment has dawned. If a women cheats, there must be some logic reason behind it, for we are not philanderer's by nature. And, if men are complaining now about how many women cheat these days, it's because they are just sour that women are beating them at their own game, and winning too! I say, never cheat on a woman. My friend, needless to say, was speechless.
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